El Rio Stormwater Capture Feasibility Study

The Ventura County Public Works Agency-Watershed Protection’s County Stormwater Program received Proposition 1 Disadvantaged Community (DAC) grant funding from the California State Department of Water Resources to develop a feasibility study and 30% of the project design for the El Rio Stormwater Capture and Groundwater Recharge Project. The feasibility study seeks to:
- Alleviate flooding within project treatment area,
- Reduce pollution in stormwater runoff from community of El Rio,
- Improve water quality in the Santa Clara River Watershed,
- Meet bacteria Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) and Statewide Trash Amendment requirements,
- Provide for sustainable source of groundwater recharge,
- Offer educational opportunities at Rio Plaza Elementary School and Community.
Study Description
The proposed project in Ventura County unincorporated area of El Rio will capture an estimated 78 acre-feet of stormwater per year from 207 acres of urban area for treatment, infiltration, and groundwater recharge. After treatment in the gross solid removal device (GSRD), the stormwater runoff will be captured in an underground infiltration chamber located under the baseball field at Rio Plaza Elementary School. The proposed system will also add about 1,200 feet of new storm drain piping along Cortez Street. The project is estimated to take about 5 years to complete when future grant funding source is determined and secured.
Project site map
Stormwater Capture Studies
Funding for this project has been provided in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board.