County Government Center Parking Lot Green Streets Urban Retrofit

Government Center Parking Lot

Parking Lot Green Streets Urban Retrofit

As part of our commitment to enhance, protect and preserve water quality in Ventura County, the County of Ventura is developing innovative ways to reduce the stormwater pollution from the paved streets and parking lots.

This Green Streets Project is designed to capture, filter and infiltrate the first flush of stormwater runoff using a pervious gutter infiltration system from the entire 39-acre Government Center parking lot.

The project contributes to groundwater supplies while reducing stormwater pollution to creeks, rivers and the ocean. The pervious gutter infi ltration system design includes:

  • pervious pavement
  • infiltration trenches
  • drywells
  • gravel & filter fabrics

See PDF links for additional information


Green Infrastructure & Biofiltration

Funding for this project has been provided in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board.

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