Piru Stormwater Capture Project
Piru Stormwater Capture for Groundwater Recharge Project
The Piru Stormwater Capture for Groundwater Recharge Project combines water supply, water quality, and community outreach goals by modifying existing infrastructure to serve a new purpose. Urban stormwater runoff captured by the storm drain system diverts to a hydrodynamic separator that provides water quality pre-treatment before the water discharges to an adjacent infiltration basin. Water infiltrated in the basin is expected to reduce pollutant loads (as compared to untreated urban stormwater runoff) and will replenish the Piru Groundwater Basin. The Piru Groundwater Basin is the only water source available in the area; therefore, the project enhances regional self-reliance, a key component of climate change resiliency.
The Piru Stormwater Capture for Groundwater Recharge project captures stormwater runoff and nuisance flows from 35.8 acres of residential area in Piru community. All street flows from the project area (within yellow boundary) are conveyed via the storm drains (blue lines) to a hydrodynamic separator for treatment and cleaning. From the separator, clean water discharges into the Piru Spreading Grounds for infiltration and groundwater recharge.
The hydrodynamic separator, also known as continuous deflective separation (CDS) device, removes trash, sediment, oils and other stormwater pollutants before discharge onto Piru Spreading Grounds for infiltration and groundwater recharge. As the street discharge water swirls inside the CDS device, light and floatable pollutants like styrofoam, paper and oil, are captured at the top and heavy pollutants, like sediment, at the bottom of the separator.
Stormwater Capture
Project Location
Funding for this project has been provided in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board.